
before and after personal training

The Positive and Negative Domino Effect of Weight Loss

The Positive and Negative Domino Effect of Weight Loss

Whether you make a bad decision or a good one, it always seems to snowball into consecutive good or bad decisions until you reach the top or bottom. If this domino effect often happens to you, then this can either make weight loss easy or impossible.

Below is an example of how the domino effect can affect weight loss in a negative way.
It’s an early weekday morning and your alarm wakes you from your slumber. Rather than getting up and starting the day, you decide the extra five or ten minutes of sleep is well worth being late to your scheduled workout.

While you are working out you notice that the weights feel just too heavy today, so you decide to go for a lighter set to give yourself an unnecessary break. Since your day seems a little off already, you decide to have a treat during lunch so you grab a bag of chips and a soda. After this difficult day, you’re too tired to make dinner and instead go out to eat and grab dessert while you are at it.

It’s the next day, the alarm is blaring at you bright and early. You tell yourself that you’re tired from the workout the day before and decide to give yourself an extra hour of sleep instead of exercising. Eventually you’ll stop working out all together and just quit for good.

This is what is known as the domino effect. One bad decision will only lead to another until the end result is quitting for good. Of course, the opposite holds true as well. If you start the day with a bad decision, you’ll be on a downward slide to the bottom, but if you start with a good decision then you won’t be able to stop climbing until you’ve reached success.

Turn Off the TV to Lose Weight

homer sittingDo you eat in front of the TV? If so, then you’re likely consuming excess calories resulting in you gaining weight. New studies show that eating while doing something else results in eating as much as 40% more calories per day.
Only eat during dedicated mealtimes to help you lose weight more easily.

Which reminds me….portion control! NEVER EAT OUT OF A FOOD CONTAINER! I MEAN IT! Put a proper portion of food on your plate or in your bowl. Chew slowly and actually enjoy the food you’re eating. Don’t shove food mindlessly into your mouth from a bag, a box or a pint…before you know it you may have consumed 2 – 3 times the amount of calories you should.

If you must watch TV, try working out during your favorite show. Do alternating sets of curls and triceps extensions during commercial breaks. Mix it up with squats and crunches between each set. Even better, how about walking on your treadmill… you know, the thing that’s gathering dust in the corner of your den… for the entire show. That way, you won’t feel lazy about wasting an hour when indulging in some of your favorite TV viewing.

How To Lose Weight

20 female weight loss
Maria lost 20 lbs in one month!

Start the morning by getting out of bed right when the alarm gets off, do a few stretches if needed to get your blood pumping. Perform your workout at the highest intensity you can and eat a healthy lunch to fuel the muscle building and fat loss process. Avoid eating out by making a good dinner at home and go for a walk after before resting for the night.

If you follow this scenario every single day you won’t be able to stop the constant good decision-making. You’ll be the healthier person you want to be in no time at all.

When you find that you are trapped in a negative domino effect, give me a call so that I can help you get back on track. My goal is to make sure that you are performing to the best of your ability and eating a healthy diet. Eventually it will be easier for you to make good decisions without even thinking about it. Imagine how good you’ll look in just twelve months with this mindset!

I’ll help you get the attractive and toned body that you deserve, so give me a call today to get started on the plan that will change your life for the better.

Jason Kozma

Is Diet or Exercise Better for Weight Loss?

If the fat keeps coming back after your latest fad diet, then a review from Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport may offer a clue as to why that’s happening. It reveals that to actually get lean, you have to consistently engage in intense physical activity, such as weight training, running or playing sports.

Increasing exercise rather than just cutting calories is a better way of getting leaner. You can get such workouts from our proven body transformation programs. Unlike impersonal gyms, our personal training regimens look at your body and your goals to develop the right exercises for you. We structure them around weight training, which not only stimulates the production of lean tissue but activates the muscle you already have.

Even though the scientific journal says that exercise is the way to go for weight loss, it does not give you license to overeat unhealthy fast foods and processed sweets whenever you feel like it. You must change the way you behave around food. As part of our nutritional counseling, we don’t just put you on a one-size-fits-all diet. Rather, we look at the way you and your body responds to food. We then tailor an eating plan around it that is both healthy and something you can do for the rest of your life.

If you want to know more about how we can help you achieve your weight loss goals, please contact us. We can work in your home, your favorite gym, or in one of our Los Angeles exercise facilities.

Sign up for Online Weight Loss Coaching: Work with a professional!

Struggling With Weight Loss?

Los Angeles Relies On Jason Kozma For Answers!

weight loss coachWhen you struggle with losing weight, it can feel like a never-ending battle.

Perhaps you’ve been trying to lose weight but you’re not getting the results that you want to see. That’s typical for most people who try to lose weight on their own. However, don’t give in to the sales pitches you’re likely to hear from those who are peddling expensive weight loss pills and fad diets. In order to lose the weight you want to lose, and in order to be sure it stays off, it’s vital to work with a professional who can help you make the necessary changes to your lifestyle.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area, you’re in luck. Jason Kozma is the best personal trainer in the area. He’s dedicated his life to helping people transform their bodies into works of art. Regardless of whether your ultimate goal is to lose just 5 or over 100 pounds, fit in your old clothes or get ready for a reunion or wedding,  Jason can’t wait to help you reach your goal. He knows that each person has their own personal reasons for wanting to lose weight, and he’s dedicated to helping you make the necessary changes to be healthier and to look better than ever.

If your’e not in LA, No problemo. You can sign up for our online weight loss program!

If you’re ready to make some changes in your life in order to start seeing some real results, we’d love to help you. Jason is even offering a free fitness consultation so you can check him out before you commit. Simply contact us today, and we’ll get started on helping you transform your body!

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