

Teen Fitness Seminar at City Terrace Library in East Los Angeles

Teen Fitness Seminar in East Los Angeles

Did a seminar on teen fitness, nutrition and exercise for the kids here in East LA – thanks guys!

Mr. America Speaking at Bunche Elementary School in Carson, CA

public speaking fitness kids
Mr. America speaking to kids at Carson elementary school

A while back I did a talk at Bunche Elementary school in Carson for the kids.  (I didn’t know where to put it on the site, so decided to post it on the blog.)  They were so excited and made a big deal about Mr. America coming to see them.  I talked about weight training, sports, nutrition and lead them through a little boot-camp style workout.  Good day!

Thanks to Sujay Jaswa of for setting it up!

teen weight loss resultsTeen Weight Loss and Fitness

Children go through growth spurts. So, when your child puts on a few pounds and starts to look a little chubbier, it’s easy to assume that they are about to grow a few inches and that they will soon return to their average body build. When you begin to notice that the excess weight isn’t going away, it can be tough to know what to do. Children, tweens and teenagers are sensitive, and preserving their self-esteem is important. However, when you ignore your child’s growing waistline, their friends and schoolmates might not be as careful about your child’s feelings as you are.

The best thing you can do for you child’s self-esteem is empower them to set goals and accomplish them. Ignoring the weight issues they are facing does not help them, it leads to feelings of isolation and failure. Don’t let them start bad habits of yo-yo dieting or beginning exercise programs just to give them up when it gets hard. Instead, you can set them up to succeed with a personal trainer.

Teen weight loss does not have to be a taboo subject. Chances are your adolescent child would like to do something about their health, but they don’t know what to do. You can help them feel secure and confident by talking to them directly about their concerns and hiring a trainer who specializes in teen weight loss. They will know what exercises are appropriate for your child at every age and what kinds of exercise should wait until they are done growing.

According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,

“Between 16 and 33 percent of children and adolescents are obese.”

This is especially troubling because the cited report also says that,

“Overweight children are much more likely to become overweight adults unless they adopt and maintain healthier patterns of eating and exercise.”

Don’t let your own lack of success in this area tie your hands when it comes to your child’s future. Give them the best possible chance at a healthy adult life by hiring an expert who can walk them through the process of changing their eating and exercise habits. Perhaps their success will motivate you to make some changes in your own life.

For more information on teen fitness personal training that gets results, please contact us. The earlier your child learns healthy strategies for achieving and maintaining an ideal weight, the easier their weight loss journey will be.

PS: Here is what I say to all parents who ask about personal training for their kids:  Make certain that your teen wants to start personal training to get more fit and lose weight.  It can’t be your idea and it can’t be compulsory.  If it isn’t their idea or at least they aren’t fired up after you bring it up, don’t bother.

If he or she is excited to start, consider training alongside them or at the same time.  We offer that and it’s pretty popular.  Most of the time you’re the one that has to drive them to the gym anyway!

Teen Fitness Pioneer

Jason as a teenager

flying side kick
Karate Jason at 15 – fear the mullet!
teen bodybuilder
Jason age 16 at teen Mr. Tennessee

I was a fat kid up until the age of 14.  None of those photos will see the light of day though. It was at the age of 13.5-14 I decided that I had enough of being fat and I decided to take control of the situation.
I ran every day for an hour and lost about 40 lbs. I practiced Karate for an hour.  I lifted weights at home in the basement for an hour.  I still ate like crap.  At the time I didn’t know what you ate made a difference.   I didn’t learn about nutrition until I started training for my first bodybuilding show at 15. I was still able to lose the excess weight due to my youth though. To get “ripped”* for the show I had to learn about bodybuilding dieting.

Once I saw what that kind of eating could do I never went back to my childhood default junk foods as a lifestyle.

* I wasn’t really ripped yet, just leaner than I had ever been before.  Took til 18-19 to learn how to actually get ripped.

teen Mr. Southern States bodybuilding
Jason Winning the Teen Mr. Southern States light heavyweight class at 18
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