7 Secrets of Lean Bodies
My client asked me how “fitness personalities” maintain their lean bodies year-round. I know what you are thinking but I…
Personal Trainer Reveals 5 Tips on How to Resist Peer Pressure to Break Your Diet
Some of you are probably laughing at this headline, saying how much peer pressure is out there to be thin…
Abs Are Made In The Kitchen
You made the decision the change your lifestyle. You are ready to do what it takes to get in shape…
Soups for Weight Loss
As a bodybuilder, I’m normally against fad and trendy diets. I know they don’t work; they help you lose weight…
The Dr. Oz Weight Loss Supplements Scandal
We all dream of a miracle pill to help us lose weight. It’s so much easier than worrying about proper…
Why Vitamin C and Omega 3 are good for you
Supplements That Boost Your Immune System It’s a miracle how your body can fight off viruses and bacteria without any…
Workout For The Day – Santa Monica Stairs and more Outdoor Workouts
Go for 10 sets: Just to be clear, going up and down (either the conrete or wooden) Santa Monica stairs…
The Positive and Negative Domino Effect of Weight Loss
The Positive and Negative Domino Effect of Weight Loss Whether you make a bad decision or a good one, it…
The Difference Between Being Physically Active and Physically Fit
Exercise is an important life changing commitment each of us should stick to. Not only will you lose excess weight…
The Kobe Bryant Training Method for Basketball
Kobe Bryant’s Workout Routine and Diet Kobe Bryant is one of the top ten basketball players of all time. He…
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