Train with Mr. America
Fitness Facts
- Did you know that 45 minutes of exercise three times a week can slow the aging of your cells? Exercise alters your blood flow to the brain and helps you feel calmer and happier.

- Burning 350 calories a week during a workout reduces depression symptoms almost as much as taking an anti-depressant drug. It happens because exercise helps heal regions in the brain damaged by depression.

- Regular weight bearing exercises let you eat more because people with more lean muscle burn more calories at rest.
- A 20 minute fitness cardio workout decreases your triglyceride levels by up to 38 mg/dl and increases your good cholesterol, HDL, levels by up to 8 mg/dl
- Weight lifting reduces your risk of osteoporosis. All it takes is just 3-5 times a week of weight-bearing exercises or resistance training 2-3 times per week.
- If you do not exercise regularly, you could experience up to 80% decrease in muscle strength as you age.
- Muscle can burn more calories at rest than fat. One pound of muscle burns an extra 50 calories a day. If you are looking to lose weight, don’t crash diet or do only cardio, eat healthy and build muscle instead.

- You don’t sleep enough, you increase your chances of weight gain and trigger the production of ghrelin, a hormone that causes hunger.
- Ripped and defined abs don’t just happen as a result of doing tons of crunches. The best way to lose weight in your midsection and define your stomach is to follow a custom designed fat loss nutritional plan over a long period of time to change your metabolism from a fat storing metabolism to a fat burning metabolism.

- Working out is not about burning calories. Exercise has the ability to make you stronger, faster, more agile and more flexible. It will enhance your cognitive abilities, enhance your immune system and promote longevity.

- Want a flat belly, better posture and sleek physique? Jason Kozma’s efficient resistance training will challenge your stability, strengthen your core and engage all your muscles. The result: firmer abs and a beautiful lean body you’ve been dreaming about.
- Want a road map to help you slim down? Check out Jason Kozma’s Body Transformation Online Personal Training Program. Jason explains how to set realistic goals and provides a custom plan (including nutritional and supplements support, plus detailed workouts) to reach your goals.

I think Kristina looks 10 years younger in her after photo – don’t you?
- If you are a runner and prepping for a race, make weight lifting part of your plan. Athletes who do strength workouts shave 50 seconds off their times in 5K races, according to a study. Strength training improves our bodies’ efficiency in using oxygen and makes muscles firmer, helping the fibers release an increased amount of energy with each contraction. If you add deadlifts and single leg squats to your trainings, you will finish even faster.

My client and super successful personal trainer in Riverside Karla lost 20lbs following my program and won the Highland Half Marathon! Prior to that she only finished races, not even placing!
- So many people like to follow diets and trends, and the latest is the soup cleanse. I say, your favorite bowl can do your body good. Research shows that people eat fewer calories on days they sip soup for a meal. But remember, not all soups are created equal. To keep calories, sodium and fat in check, choose Soupelina wholesome soups, made from organic, gluten-free and dairy-free ingredients.