Women’s Physique – Figure – Bikini – Bodybuilding
Figure – Bikini – Physique – Bodybuilding

Women’s bodybuilding is a steadily evolving sport. Once upon a time, the competition was strictly about the muscles that a woman can develop and show off, just like the men’s division of the competition; the bigger the better. Many began to feel like the women were losing their femininity within the bodybuilding division, so the National Physique Competition (NPC) created the women’s physique division as an alternative to the women’s bodybuilding division.
The difference between female bodybuilding and physique is that there is less emphasis on excessive muscle size, density and striated muscularity; and there is more attention paid to femininity in the symmetry, shape, proportion, muscle tone, poise, and posing. The physique is judged by the compulsory poses (all open hand): front double biceps, back double biceps, side triceps with leg extended, side chest and front abs/thighs.
Local competition promoters sometimes do and sometimes do not feature the women’s bodybuilding category. At the national and professional level women’s bodybuilding is consistently found.
Mr. America Jason Kozma: Your personal trainer for women’s physique, bodybuilding, figure or bikini division

Training for a women’s physique competition can be strenuous and stressful. Preparing for competing in the NPC is no walk in the park, and it takes a qualified personal trainer for women’s physique division, to keep a strong – willed competitor motivated.
Jason Kozma, who was the 2004 Heavyweight Mr. America has the experience to train any woman that has the determination to be a champion physique, figure bikini competitor or bodybuilder. He has a tried and true contest training protocol including precision nutrition, targeted training and posing coaching. It will ensure that you will be ready to take a top spot in your contest.

As a personal trainer and figure competitor, I understand eating clean and dedication, but Jason’s plan took things to a whole new level for me! By creating a customized meal plan and training regimen, he helped me to lose stubborn body fat, add lean muscle and sculpt my body just the way I wanted. Jason’s online personal training program was an incredible opportunity for me to utilize his expertise even though I live 200 miles away. When Jason says he’s “committed to your success” he means it. So, if you truly want to see results and online training is your best option, you’ll be successful and satisfied with Jason’s High Performance Personal Training program!
See you at the next show!
Diana, NPC Figure Competitor, Personal Trainer
For more information on training with the best, and tips on reaching your competitive goals, contact us.
Jason’s Champions: Do You Have What It Takes?

Some more of Jason’s competitive clients:
- Lejla – Miss Figure America 1st place
- Roxanne – Miss Galaxy Fitness
- Gale – Venice Muscle Classic 1st place
- Esther – Venice Muscle Classic 1st place
- Karla – Fitness Model, Marathon Champion
- Larry – Musclemania California 1st runner up
- Anthony – Mr. Tennessee Natural
- Emily – Musclemania Fitness and Ms. Figure America
- Hanna – Muscle Beach Championships 1st place
- Giannci – Musclecontest Bikini 1st runner up
Los Angeles Figure Competition Coaching
What is Figure Competition?
Figure is one of 6 divisions of women’s physique competitions. These include: Bikini, Wellness, Figure, Fitness, Physique and Bodybuilding. Figure division is supposed to require less overt muscularity than physique or bodybuilding competitions, while still emphasizing great muscle tone and shapeliness. The competitor is expected to show more muscle development than the typical bikini competitor however. This emphasis on shapeliness means building muscle while keeping your naturally feminine shape.
Do I Need a Physique Coach?
Just like all fitness competitions, training for a figure competition is challenging and strenuous. It takes real commitment and expert knowledge of the human body. Women’s bodies are unique and training or diet regimens are never one-size-fits-all.
The reality is that pretty much all successful competiors have a coach, even if they are trainers themselves!

Whether you’re thinking about entering a figure competition for the first time or whether you’re a long-time competitor, an expert coach can help you safely reach your fitness goals and win first place in any competition. Choosing the right figure competition coach in Los Angeles can be a challenge, but fortunately, there are three great options right here.
Jason Kozma: Your Figure Competition Coach
Mr. America Jason Kozma offers expert coaching for women’s figure competitions in the Los Angeles area and beyond. Jason has more than 20 years of experience in bodybuilding and has been featured on MTV, the Discovery Channel, ESPN, and Fine Living. He has been rated the world’s #1 expert on Personal Training and Bodybuilding by Ask Me.com.
Jason has worked with celebrities and top bodybuilders including Chris Cormier, Melvin Anthony, Mike O’ Hearn, Marshall Faulk of NFL fame, and even Major League Baseball stars such as Hideo Nomo.
Contest Coaching Services
- Nutritional program and weekly checkups
- Personal Training
- Posing coaching
Jason has worked with individuals of all fitness levels – no matter what level you’re at, you can become competitive and reach your fitness goals. If you’re not in the area, Jason also offers online contest coaching.
Bikini Contest Coaching in Venice and Woodland Hills
For those whom haven’t been involved in the sport for the last 10 years or so, the “beginner class” to start physique competition is the bikini division. In bikini competition the expectation is for the competitor to have low bodyfat, some noticeable muscle development – but not too much. About the amount you can develop in 1-3 years of weight training. You’ll want to maintain round glutes and not get overly lean – usually not below 7% bodyfat and usually higher in the 9-11% range. however, visible abs, some leg definition and tight arms are a must.
Not all bikini competitors will “grow out of it” and move on to figure – it depends on how the competitor wants to maintain her body. This division extends to the professional level and there is a Miss Bikini Olympia. There is also a Miss Figure Olympia and a Women’s Physique Olympia.

For aspiring figure competitors who want to train at Gold’s gym in Venice, you can sign up with us to work with IFBB Bikini and Figure pro and Miss Fitness America Sherlyn. She coaches many clients for women’s bikini, figure and fitness competitions. She will work with you on personal training, posing, acquiring your suit(s), shoes, etc. All the details needed to compete. She meets with clients at Gold’s Gym Venice or in their home gyms.
If you’re in Van Nuys or the west valley nearby area, you can sign up to work with IFBB Bodybuilding Pro and Ms. USA Debby. Debby has over 30 years of experience in personal training and coaches for women’s physique, bodybuilding, figure, and bikini divisions. She can help clients of all fitness levels.
As with any personal training or coaching program, the best way you can succeed is to follow all of your coach’s advice to the letter without deviation. Don’t try to live your normal life while training for a competition – it requires absolute dedication and perseverance over many weeks and months.
If you have any questions regarding personal training, physique, figure, or bikini coaching please contact us for more information.

Online Coaching
Sign Up For Online Bodybuilding – Figure – Bikini – Physique Coaching
In Person Checkup / Consultation / Posing Lesson – 30 Minutes
Phone / Skype Consultation – 15 minutes