Men’s Physique

Almost any personal trainer can teach you how to build some muscle, improve your endurance, and eat less crap. However, if you want to compete (and win) in shows by the National Physique Committee or the International Federation of Bodybuilders, then you need someone who understands shape, symmetry, quarter turns and pre-judging. Someone who knows the stage, someone who has been there and done it.

As a men’s physique personal trainer, Jason Kozma understands all these needs. He is a competitive bodybuilder himself and winner of such titles as Mr. America, Mr. Muscle Beach and Southern States Champion. He’s also trained with such bodybuilding greats as Chris Cormier, Mike O’Hearn and Gunter Schlierkamp. Many of his clients have placed in such competitions as Mr. Tennessee Natural and Musclemania California.

You need dedication, discipline and pure sweat to succeed as a physique competitor. He can train you to you bulk up or cut down and fill out at the right time. Nutrition is an important part (80%) of your contest prep, so he’ll offer you a menu that works for contest peaking. He can also coach you on the finer points of posing and quarter turns, which is something you can’t get with an ordinary personal trainer.
Even before your target contest, if you need to look your best for an upcoming magazine spread, video shoot, party, or interview, Jason has a program that can drop 10 noticeable pounds off you in a week.
Contact Men’s Physique Personal Trainer Jason right now so you can get started on your road to success at physique competitions.
Mr. Muscle Beach 2014 Nick Husin’s Testimonial

I have always been in good shape. However, after coming back from my vacation in Europe, I was at 12% body fat and had only 10 weeks before my first physique competition. While searching online for a physique coach, I found Jason’s website. I emailed him along with a few others. Jason was the first coach who responded to me. By the time I had heard from the rest of the trainers that I had emailed, Jason and I had already been emailing back and forth numerous times.
Just based on his customer service and quick response, I decided that Jason is the right physique coach for me.
He gave me a very simple, no-nonsense diet to follow and told me to add extra cardio into my weight training routine, on top of working on physique/bodybuilding posing with him. Although skeptical at first, I just listened to him, and within a week, I dropped 1% of body fat. After 7 weeks, he told me that I was actually ready to be on stage.

In my first physique competition, I won 2nd place overall for Men’s Physique. Although I was happy with it, I’m also very competitive, so I sought Jason’s help again to prep me for another competition 2 weeks later. We just tweaked my diet a little, and he gave me the best advice: “Show your lat more – it’s your best feature”.
By listening to his advice, not only did I win 1st place for Men’s Physique in my height category, but I also won the Overall Men’s Physique Champion, beating guys in other categories as well.
Because of Jason, I got the title “Mr. Muscle Beach”.

I’d highly recommend Jason as your personal trainer and coach. He will get you started out right with his easy-to-follow system, regardless of your fitness level.
Jason’s Champions: Do You Have What It Takes?

Congratulations Keith! Masters Physique 1st place 2018 NPC Southwest Classic

Congratulations Nick! 2014 Mr. Muscle Beach Physique Champion

Congratulations Giannci! 2011 Musclecontest 1st runner-up

Congratulations Arsine! 1st place 2017 WBFF Chicago

Congratulations Diana! Masters Figure 1st runner up 2011 NPC Tournament of Champions
Sign Up For Physique Coaching
Online only options
Hybrid Coaching *
* Hybrid coaching is a combination of a custom designed training and nutrition plan with periodic meetings for measurements, training, posing, etc. Coaching at your show can count as a meeting.