Coaching Programs

What You Get

You get everything that my in-person clients get: a custom-designed workout (weights and cardio) and nutritional plan which evolves and changes as your body changes. I monitor you via my awesome new Train with Mr. America app, and I make adjustments as needed to keep you progressing.  You get a setup kit with an informative handbook which outlines your whole program, explains how your body works and how the program is designed to make you achieve the desired results.

My exclusive Train with Mr. America app has videos and photos of all the exercises with narration or description so you can make sure you are doing them correctly.  You can track your nutrition, cardio, body stats and progress photos in the app and I can see everything you update in real time.  It’s fantastic and will keep you on track, accountable and us connected!

Clients get amazing results following my coaching programs. Many have even competed in physique competitions following my programs.

Training and Nutrition Programs

  • 4 weeks online training and nutritional program $379

    *$199 per month thereafter

  • 8 weeks online training and nutritional program $459
    online personal training signup

    online personal training signup*$179 per month thereafter

  • 16 weeks online training and nutritional program $629
    online personal training signup

    online personal training signup*$129 per month thereafter

Consultations in person with Jason

Meeting Type

Hybrid Coaching: Combined Online Training and in Person Sessions with Jason

Hybrid coaching is a combination of online and in person coaching.  It starts with a base training, cardio, nutrition and supplement program.  Periodic sessions / meetings are scheduled for workouts, body fat measurements, diet adjustments, posing or whatever needs to be addressed with a custom designed  training and diet program.  Includes online support and adjustments.

$399 down Training and Nutrition Program plus:

Note: You may substitute 1 private training session with Jason for 2 private training sessions with a High Performance Team Trainer.

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